Ethical Entrepreneur
Ethical Entrepreneur is a project designed and developed under the guidance of Paul Palmarozza. The work was
conducted in parallel with the founding in 2013 of If I Can…CIC a non-profit Community Interest
Company whose aim was to provide regular reminders and guidance to people of all ages about the
way to apply timeless natural values to all aspects of life. That company was closed down in 2022
with a large number of its online resources now freely available on its website
Our Patrons & Partners
Resourcement BV – Chairman Hans Leewens
The objective of Resourcement, a company based in Holland, whose statuary aim is to assist corporations and individuals in a better use of their talents in serving the needs of society. The aim is to increase Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) as well as the responsibility of the individuals for their own employability in the service of society. Workers are encouraged to act in a way that creates a positive reputation for themselves and for their corporation thus also increasing the outward sensitivity of the corporation for the needs being served.
Universal Spirituality & Humanity Foundation – Chairman Dr Hari Prasad Kanoria
The Universal Spirituality & Humanity Foundation is a part of the Social Impact Initiatives of the Kanoria Foundation, headquartered in Kolkata, India. The Kanoria family has been in business for over a century, performing their karma (work) with devotion imbued with spirituality and creating institutions which would last for centuries serving humanity. Its ethos is to ‘Work With Devotion’. It reflects the constant churning of ideas and hard work, which are essential to succeed and the passion necessary to implement them with a focus on results. True to its legacy, the Universal Spirituality & Humanity Foundation is dedicated towards society’s development by creating business enterprises with long-term and sustainable objectives. Its operational philosophy is based on strong foundation of morals, values and culture. Concurrent with business activities are several social initiatives and CSR activities.
Major Financial Donors
The MacLaren Art Trust –
The Education Renaissance Trust –
RSA sponsored Kickstarter Crowdfunding Campaign –
Major Content Donors
Regents University Business School, Professors Ana-Maria Pascal & Jonathan Liu –
Foundation for a Better Life –
Chris Rees – Co-author, From Principles to Profit & Ethical & Effective –
Development Team
Brightbolts Ltd, E-learning development –
Loren Jenkins / Sellativity, Sales and Marketing Consulting –
Jerome Toole, Website Design and If I Can development –
James Saunders, Graphic Design – Ethical Entrepreneur and If I Can development
Jessica Palmarozza, Video Production – Kangaroo Films – Kangaroo Films
Sophia Wormald, Graphic Design and Marketing - Sophia Elouise -
Values Based Organisations
UK Values Alliance, a membership organisation –